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It's High Time We Legalize Marijuana and Hemp!

Submitted by David Borden on
The War on Drugs is more than a colossal failure, it's a farce and a criminal conspiracy brewed up among a few politicians and business leaders for personal and corporate profit. True examples of corruption The good news is that God is not on their side in the War on Drugs. So often Americans went to war under the distinct impression that God was on their side. But that is not the case in the Drug War, in fact He is quite offended by the activities of the drug warrior zealot who brings misery to his own people and kindred. This is a sad state of affairs, because these well meaning otherwise useful citizens are destroying their own country with this civil war they are prosecuting. Enough is enough, and I tell you the truth, You're in a heap of trouble with the Lord God Almighty... Shame on you! These folks are bought and paid for by lobbying, PR, and advertising firms representing companies that profit greatly from the prohibition and the ensuing War on Drugs. They are putting their children through the best colleges and Universities with the robust profits derived from nothing other than the prohibition against marijuana. That plus the total elimination of the totally harmless commodity of hemp, which would compete fiercely with their products of paper made from trees, and rope made from nylon. We all know who these people are, and so does the government who's politicians are also bought and sold by these same individuals. It is up to us to rid congress and the senate of these political leaders that are the best that money can buy, and we can do it by the ballot. I highly recommend you consider electing Colonel Pepper to the office of President. I inhaled and won't lie about it. Furthermore due to the fact that possession of even small amounts has always been a felony along the the use of marijuana itself a felonies, I figure that in the past 40 years I have committed about 5,000 felonies that I was never caught committing, and no proof exists to win a conviction either, so I just got away with it and nobody was hurt. Colonel Pepper Trey Haltom

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